Chapter 2


Writer Notes: It has been hell to get this chapter ready with computer issues and alike. But here we are. AU’s anniversary was back in May. It has been running for 8 years now, I think?  Hopefully it will not take me another year for Chapter 3.

Warnings: Pixelated blood, language, arguing, vampire politics, discussions of the past, discussions of events that have not been showcased in the story, pixelated nudity, and a moody Latimere


“Dammit,” Vaiden uttered under his breath.  Two years tirelessly chasing Honey Fairchild ended, but not how he expected.  Blood mages generally went out shooting, but it seemed Honey had met her match to the very source of her power.


“This just doesn’t feel right,” he said aloud. “After all this time, she goes and blows herself up? Honey was cleverer than that.”


“Then what do you suggest?” Rista asked. “There’s no evidence of another suspect.”


She was right, which made it even harder to understand.  Why would Honey do this?  The ritual was obviously sacrificial, but for what reason?  He could not believe she just gave up her soul to Aegan for nothing.


“Make sure the body is burned properly.” He said. “We don’t need a resurrection.”
Though a resurrected Honey could answer his questions, he chose to let her stay dead.  One last hassle for him to stress over.



“Aw, there you are. This place is too big for you to play hide-and-seek.”


“That would imply I wanted to be found.”


“Cheeky, master.” Charlie chuckled. “But we do have a schedule to keep. If we hurry up, you can get a nice hot shower at the estates and put on some fresh clothes before the meeting with the Rens and Lees.”


“Unless, you are purposely avoiding this very important meeting?” she asked in that knowing way. “There is still time to reschedule.”


“No,” he exhaled. “We might as well get it over with.”

“That’s the spirit!”


Honestly, this meeting only took place twice a year. He could go through the motions, but it would take all his effort.


“Aw, cheer up, master,” Charlie called. “It’s not like the Rens and Lees are at war anymore. Just a little conversation to make sure they are not planning anything dastardly.”


“They will want to talk about the reform, which we should all be working together to abolish.” he shrugged. “I am just tired.”


“Well, in that case, I shall reschedule Hayden’s little chat and get you a nice little break for a nap. How does that sound?”


It could be worse, he thought.  They could be at each other’s throats, like a decade ago.  He knew his patience had thinned away through the years.  It came with age and motivation to forge peace between impossible sides.


House Ren, a family of innumerable generations, had been passed down to Montravius.  He wanted to lead his family into a more progressive direction, as he was the first master to allow those of his court to drink plasma fruit, the synthetic substitute for blood.  But he was arrogant to think he could outsmart them all.


Quan Lee was four hundred years old.  His court was the largest in the region and by far the most involved in the Underground (the illegal activity of the preternatural community).  He could be cooperative, but Latimere found in all the years they had known each other, Master Quan was very spiteful.


That left Latimere, the mediator between these powerful courts.  It was decided long ago when he had the energy to deal with such politics and drive to better the vampire community.  Now things had changed.  The childish fights wore him down until he was on the very cusp of breaking his own treaty.


But that would be foolish.  He sacrificed everything on Arda.  He could not lose Earth too.


“Kane has gathered information on our adversaries.” Master Lee announced. “Mr. Collins has found young masters to fall easily to his side. They do not want responsibility of court so they pledge to reform.”


“This situation is dire,” Montravius agreed. “The more masters and their fledglings fall for Mr. Collins and that Siren Coristor’s tricks, the more likely we lose our courts.”


Latimere knew the reform was serious.  He knew these children with power and influence in the community thought they were bettering their kind, but they were wrong.  He knew it was because the majority of vampires were “turned,” not natural-born like him.  They still clung to their humanity and wanted to shape the rest of their kind as humans.  But it would not work.  It never did.


“If more masters like yourself, Master Ren, would come to meetings with leaders of reform, we could make stand.” Quan said. “Instead your absence make us look weak.”


“Not that it is your business, Quan, but I had other important matters to attend.”


“Just like your father did not stand up to Harvey Dellawood or Harry Coristor, so shall you not stand up to Siren Coristor and her supporters? Does this mean House Ren surrenders?”


“Let’s not,” Latimere warned.


“I would not speak of my father so lowly as you also did nothing to stop Harvey Dellawood. Not to mention the destruction his master wrecked across Misplaced Stream where your court was very capable of stopping her.”


“Lizabeth LaBelle is different story.” Quan Lee said. “If I remember correctly, House Ren began negotiating surrender to her before she was slain.”


“You don’t know what you are talking about. The Rens will never surrender. We are the longest standing court in Misplaced Stream and that will not change with me.”


“The point Quan so wrongly tried to make, Montravius, is that we must appear a united front against the reform. We cannot defeat our enemies alone. We must stand together.”


“Trust that I have no desire to reform, Latimere. My family would lose everything.”



“You just had to, didn’t you?” Latimere began. “Constantly comparing him to his father is no way to motivate peace between you.”


“In fairness, this is not about peace between Lees and House Ren.”


“No, you are right, but I’d like Montravius’s cooperation on this. If we alienate him, then we risk ourselves with this reform business.”


“Now that House Ren has left, is there any news on the missing lessers?”


“None,” Quan admitted. “It truly horrible thing. I hope we continue to work together to find my people.”


“Something will turn up.” Latimere said though internally he was not as confident.  Whoever hunted these vampires did it excellently.  No trace or witnesses.  It was unsettling.



“Will you stop gawking?” Zarah snapped. “We are already running late.”


“Well, you shouldn’t have asked for that one thing if we were in a hurry.” Foxero laughed.


“Don’t look so proud of yourself. I’ve had better.”


He chuckled. “Is that why you were screaming my name so loud?”

“Get dressed. Get out.”


“You’re late.”


“You missed the Lees.” Lacarra exhaled. “Quan is very unhappy and Kane did not have much to go on. We are starting back at square one.”


“I have contacts in the Underground.” Zarah claimed. “Can I use them?”


“Latimere does not allow our court to participate in the Underground.”

“Does that mean no?”


“Aw, Leslie, did the Lees and House Ren’s guards give you trouble?” Latimere asked.


“They were not happy to be in the same room, but I think it went better than expected.”


“Well, look at that!” Charlie exclaimed. “I told you our little Leslie could handle it.”

Latimere ignored her. “So everything stayed under control?”


“Y-yes.” Leslie managed. “No fights, if that’s what you mean. They mostly stared at each other broodingly.”


He let Charlie handle the details further.  As long as everyone stayed on their best behavior these meetings would go well.  Still, Latimere was tired.


He had felt this way for a long time.  It didn’t help that Montravius and Quan brought up his daughter or that Siren Coristor continued the same reform Harvey Dellawood once threatened to tear down courts.


Did they not understand?  They were creating their own demise.


And more problems than Latimere had energy to sort.


Charlie was right.  He needed a nap.


“Master, a moment of your time?” Zarah moved into the room without permission.  She didn’t need it, of course, but it still annoyed him that people refused to knock.


“I take it the meeting didn’t go so well.” she began.

“If you were here, you would know.” he sounded grumpy even to him.


“Apologies,” she said softly. “I meant to be here, but an appointment took longer than expected. Since I am here now, I would like to talk to you about using my contacts in the Underground to help us investigate the missing Lees.”


We do not use the Underground.” Latimere exhaled. “It is a long standing rule here at Greenbrooke Estates. Many of the lessers who joined our court were abused by agents there. I will not betray their trust by affiliating with those abusers.”


“But I am not stopping you from passing those contacts to the Lees. Goddesses know we need a win.”



“No reaction?” Vaiden asked. “I just said your sister is dead.”


“What do I care?” Seamus Fairchild huffed. “She left me in here to rot. I’m glad she’s dead.”


“Well, isn’t your family just nice.” the Shade shook his head.

“Technically, he’s a part of our family too through me.” Gregoral announced. “Though, I suppose, the actual term would be step-family.”


“Will you mourn your step-daughter?” Vaiden asked. “Or will you pretend she never existed like the rest of your family?”


“No, I suppose I won’t mourn her.” Gregory answered. “Honey and me were never close and not blood. Not like you and the girls.”

“Leave my daughters alone,” Vaiden growled.


“I am their grandfather. I would like to see them. How is Dahlila?”


“After your last stunt, why would I ever let you near them again?”


“Please, Vaiden!” Gregory pleaded. “Let me make amends. I will do anything you want!”


“Nice going.” Seamus snorted. “I’m sure he will give it thought. Especially since you sabotaged that one’s training and nearly got her killed. I mean, why not give you another chance to get it right?”


I will find a way.


“How’d it go?” Rista asked. “Seamus show any emotion?”


Vaiden rolled his eyes. “He didn’t care and really I don’t blame him. Honey let him stay confined for two years. She didn’t even try to free him.”


“Not that our security wouldn’t be able to handle it.” she paused. “I expect Gregory weighed in.”


“He asked about Dahlila.” he said lowly. “That’s not going to happen. I won’t put her in danger again. Not after what he did.”


“I agree,” Rista nodded. “Dahlila’s had a rough two years. What happened with Gregory…” her voice trailed off. “She’s a tough kid, Vaiden. You know that. She’s OK.”


“Even more reason to keep him away.”


He would never make that kind of mistake again.


Others pushed him to put his prejudices aside, give Gregory a chance, let him find family again.  Vaiden knew better.  Someone like Gregoral Zarren never changed.



“Long day?” Tatiana asked. “How’d the mission go?”


“We found Honey. She’s dead.”


“That’s great!” she paused. “Why are you not excited that she’s dead?”


“No, I’m glad that search is up. It just didn’t go as expected.”


“Then what is it?”


“Gregory.” he exhaled. “I don’t know why I let him get under my skin.”


“Because he’s your father.” she said. “The same with me and my mother. You know that.”


“He really thinks I will let the girls visit him. That I’d let Dahlila near him. That I’d give him the chance to hurt her again. What kind of idiot does he think I am?”


“He doesn’t know you at all. He just believes because you share blood that he is entitled to the girls, but he’s not.” she paused. “I know how stressful this is for you to deal with that man, but you are better than him. You’re a good father.”


“I love you.”

“I love you more.”


“Now that this Honey business is behind us, are we going on that trip we’ve been planning forever?”


“I promised, didn’t I?”

“Yes, you did.”


“Well, I guess I better make it happen then.”


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